Thursday, July 03, 2008

Just the other day i was reading The Star and saw this article which i find utterly ridiculous.

It made me think, how the hell can a dad of 18 afford to have 4 wives. Here's a lowdown of all the facts about this dumbass:

a) He has a monthly income of RM3000

b) He thinks condoms are myths

c) Considering he has 18 kids, and he's now getting his 4th wife, that means he had his 18 kids with 3 wives. That makes 6 kids a wife

d) He can have an entire football team, including reserves, with his kids
e) He's a complete douchebag

Anyways today we had this fucked-up talk about sexual intercourse being presented by this racist dipshit. Why is he racist? well he showed us a picture of a penis which was unusually smaller, and he claimed that it belonged to a chinese. I was thinking, what the hell does that make koreans?

Checkout this fact or fiction paper they gave :-

According to this, an "erection" is defined as "the state marked by firm turgid (hard) form and erect position of a previously flaccid (soft) bodily part containing cavernous tissue when that tissue becomes dilated with blood." Otherwise known as a boner.

What a vasectomy would look like (Patient is Korean, obviously)

Later, i saw this banner in Inti College about them also having a sexual education talk. I couldn't believe it, they were giving away 800 free top-grade Durex condoms, and all we got was some dipshit ranting about how sex can be bad for you.

P.S.: gonorrhea on faces looks like a caramel-draped face with cocoa pops.


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