Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I have decided to come back to blogging, just to express some issues which have pissed me off the past few weeks. To start it off, my first news from my return from holidays was the rise in oil prices. A rise of 78 Cents per litre? what the fuck. One thing i do not understand about all this rise in oil petrol issue is the rebate of RM625. Only a dipshit would be truly satisfied with the RM 625 rebate. Think about it. If the Government are gonna spend millions giving every motorist the rebate, they might as well use the millions to minimize the rise in prices. Isn't that more logical?

what the rise in petrol means to a college student

Another issue was the complimentary rise in food prices all over. Asia Cafe food prices are soaring through the roof. I bought a plate of chicken from the "Mixed rice" stall, without containg rice, and it costs 8 bloody ringgit.

pretty soon, char kuey teow sellers would accept Euros

I could have spent that amount of money spending something more worthwhile, like God's meat (Pork). Why is Pork God's meat? What other animal in the world could u eat every part of their body. you go try eating a chicken's beak and tell me what it taste like.

Chickens, eat your hearts out

But the one thing that really ticked me off is something that happened this morning. I recently read a report where snatch thieves are a dying breed. Utter bullshit. A good friend of mine just got snatch theft by 2 losers on their favourite (only) vehicle, the scooters,(motorbikes are too cool) and left her with some scars, bruises and possibly trauma, aside from the loss of all her belongings. Although its inconclusive to say if they were Malaysia's infamous Mat Rempits, suffice to say that it is a safe bet to consider these A-holes as one of them. If they have that much bollocks as people say, why target innocent teenagers, when there are big,tough men awaiting around the corner, like Chuck Norris. (inspiration of HALO)

the real master chief


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